About us

About Asbestos Online Training

danger signOur home base is Florida, thus we strive for course approvals here first. In addition to Florida, Tennessee, and Virginia, many states follow a straight EPA Model Accredited Plan (MAP) and accept Asbestos Online Training, LLC’s MAP State approvals as an Active Training Provider firm as reciprocal course approval.

The principals of Asbestos Online Training, LLC (AOT) have been active participants in the asbestos consulting, abatement and training industries for a combined 30 plus years. The notion of online AHERA refresher training was born out of a desire for a more efficient method of re-certification for ourselves as well as our employees, students and others in the industry.

We have many asbestos refresher courses available. These include our courses designed for building inspectors, supervisors, management planners, project designers, and workers. Our  classes are licensed by both federal and state environmental agencies. We also offer asbestos worker courses in Spanish.

We are always open to ideas for the improvement of our classes. We have received many excellent suggestions from our customers, and comments are always appreciated! Please be aware, though, that any changes to the course content require reapplication and submittal to several states – thus, we ask your patience as we improve courses at regular renewal interval.

Please contact us without hesitation if you have questions, comments or suggestions!

Courses are Certified in Florida (PVD-96), Georgia (Supervisor Pending), Tennessee, Virginia (3330001065), and approved by MAP reciprocity in AZ, NM, IA, WY, NJ, SD, KY, KS, PA and MS (Worker only in MS). (call for info) 

PLEASE NOTE: if you are taking these courses and are from a State other than those listed, Please check with your State to see if they will accept our On-Line Certificates. We are adding states constantly!

Questions? Contact Us!


Asbestos Online Training, LLC
17452 2nd Street E
Redington Shores, Florida 33708
asbestos training worker